
Tuesday 7 April 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Week 41

I'm afraid it's a super short post this week as not only is there very little to say, but I'm also feeling horrendously ill today and don't have the energy to write more, sorry!

First thing's first, I haven't had a weigh in this week due to the Bank Holiday so unfortunately I have no idea how I've got on weight-wise with eating real food again this week. I totally forgot to weigh myself at home after the meeting last week (so at least I could have a vague idea of how much I'd put on/lost by comparing it to another home weigh-in a week later) so it's all very much up in the air. Completely ridiculously it didn't really register with me that there would be no LighterLife session yesterday until it was too late to do something about it. I was definitely told about it, but for some reason it didn't sink in till the time I'd normally leave yesterday afternoon and instead I was engrossed in the Purple Wedding on Game of Thrones. Never mind...


Real food is an absolute revelation.


As I said last week I'm now starting to wean off the packs, but it hasn't exactly gone to plan at all. I had intended to drop to the Lite version - 3 packs and a 'meal' - but I've really struggled. I have absolutely no problems with the allowed food, and I've loved having a measured portion of protein and unlimited vegetables each day. I've not had the measured portion of dairy as it seemed silly to make myself ill purely to tick a box, so instead of having a piece of cheese or a some yoghurt, I've had a splash of milk in a couple of cups of tea or coffee. The problem is that I can't handle so much food. I've been eating off either a side plate or a pretty empty dinner plate and I've stopped when full: so with my shrunken stomach my portions haven't been large by any stretch of the imagination. It's just that the volume of food is larger than I'm used to - a portion of Mediterranean vegetables may not be calorific, but it fills me up quicker than one of my LighterLife bars. As a result I've only had 1-2 packs and a small meal everyday, which is definitely less calories than I was having when on 4 packs but paradoxically I've not even been slightly hungry.

Not going to lie, I'm slightly concerned about this but I know when I'm off the packs entirely I can up my food to a couple of small meals a day and gradually increase my calories from around the 500-600 mark where it is now. The transition period is just super frustrating, and I do feel like I'm stabbing in the dark navigating my way round it all. I know where I want to end up, it's just getting there's proving to be a total faff. At times this week I've really questioned if moving to real food is the right move for me at the moment - and if instead I should refocus on LighterLife for another month or so - but to be honest I think that's purely me reacting to the sheer terror of the next stage. I am utterly petrified and genuinely doubt my willpower and ability to successfully follow healthy eating and exercise through. I suppose only time will tell, and I definitely need to have more faith in myself.


I don't really have much more to say! I'm going to play it by ear and take each day as it comes this week, and hopefully my body can continue to adjust to food over powder packs. I also have an enormous reading list of healthy cook books and blogs that I want to start ploughing through: hopefully they'll provide more inspiration for the next phase. Are there any particular recipe books or blogs you'd recommend? Once again I'm stabbing in the dark, so help is appreciated!

TOTAL LOSS: 80.5lbs // 5st 10.5lbs

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