
Tuesday 3 March 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Week 36

Considering I had a planned lapse in London, I'm pleased with my loss this week.

However, it's not all plain sailing as temptation reared its ugly head and I've really struggled. Boo.

This week I lost 1.5lbs.


(+ 0.5lbs)

Obviously - because I'm me - there was a split second of utter disappointment, but luckily I now no longer chase the rabbit and instead stepped off the scales and got on with my life like a normal person. A loss is a loss, and I refuse to be anything other than happy about it.


The last couple of relatively problem-free weeks have been lovely, but I knew the bubble would burst eventually. Last Tuesday I went down to London with my mum and had a planned a lapse with my evening meal. The day went exactly as I previously decided it would: I had 2 LighterLife packs and plenty of water throughout the day and then came off the programme from 5pm. Planning ahead so meticulously worked wonders - I stuck rigidly within my predetermined boundaries and felt a million times better because of it. My stomach has shrunk again so even though I say I had an entire meal off plan, honestly, I barely managed half of it. I was concerned about dropping out of ketosis, but I can't imagine half a bowl of salad, the majority of a grilled chicken breast and a handful of chips could have done that. The only other (really naughty) thing I had was a post-theatre cosmopolitan and a cup of tea. It might have been indulgent of me - and I probably should have said no - but it was definitely worth it, and it was the perfect way to end a mini-trip with my mum. My God, at times my life is too wild for me to handle.


The next morning I successfully talked myself out of buying a flat white (which I was wrongly convinced I deserved as a treat following a terrible experience at a hairdressers) and instead had a LighterLife bar, enough water to fill the fountains in Trafalgar Square and got on a train home to green fields and a total lack of civilisation before I could crack. Crisis well and truly averted. Despite my panicking that I'd now be tempted to lapse all week, miraculously I did not. I'm not going to lie I've been ridiculously tempted, but I'm extraordinarily proud to say I didn't crack. Not once. Not even a little bit. However, all I've done is think about food. On Tuesday evening I stopped eating as soon as I felt full and felt amazing because of it: I actually enjoyed my meal and didn't push myself to the point where I felt even remotely ill. But since then all I've thought about is the food I left behind (I'm rolling my eyes even writing this) and all I didn't have (and could have had) when I was merrily strolling round London. Plus, I've fallen into the terrible habit of wasting hours on Instagram scrolling through pictures of food. I suppose it's better than actually eating, but I'm sure I could think of a more productive and less masochistic use of my time?!


A combination of two days in London and a total sleep-deprevation hangover from pulling an all-nighter on Sunday for the Oscars, I was exhausted all week and completely dropped the ball on the exercise front. I'm counting 2 20-minute power walks in London as exercise, but apart from that I had Tuesday-Friday off from the apps and instead had early nights and did basically nothing. I'm so annoyed at this: I was so, so good all month and this totally ruined my record. Balls! However, a couple of perfectly timed messages from the loveliest of people about exercise helped enormously and I now have a revised plan of attack. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I've been putting a - quite frankly - silly amount of pressure on myself to finish the apps and to do each exercise perfectly even when I feel awful, instead of just doing something, and pushing myself little by little to achieve more. Now, I plan to just keep going where I left off (I'm not getting bogged down in the whole 'each challenge has to start on the 1st of the month or you've failed at life' mentality, as I normally do), but if I'm too tired or just don't fancy doing anything then I won't. It's not the end of the world as long as overall I keep moving forwards.


I took great delight in filling out the fitness plan in my Daily Greatness Journal (which I'd massively recommend buying if you're training for an event/having a lifestyle change), and using colour-coded pens now have a plan for March. I'll be doing the 3 30 Day Challenge apps, the new Blogilates 30 Day Thigh Slimming Challenge and a 30 Day Yoga Challenge. I'm aware they all follow a time-specific pattern but I'm not going to be shackled by it - I'll get through them all, but it may take longer than 30 days. I'm actually really liking exercise. I may not be doing a lot, or anything fancy by any stretch of the imagination, but it's something, and I hope it's going to be a stepping stone to something more substantial and permanent in the future. Baby steps, right?

WEEK 35 LOSS: 1.5lbs
TOTAL LOSS: 78lbs // 5st 8lbs

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