
Tuesday 24 February 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Week 35

It's been another good - and by extension boring - week. Sorry!

I lost 2lbs.


Not too shabby.

Sorry that once again this post is going to be super boring! I miraculously haven't lapsed, I'm drinking enough water and I'm still doing my exercise apps. There is genuinely nothing particularly new or exciting to report, which is good for me but it doesn't exactly make for riveting reading…


The main development on the weight-loss front is that I've finally set a goal. I'm so close to a healthy weight now that it seemed like the right time to work out a target weight and start aiming for it. I'm no longer going to be aimlessly losing: I'll be working towards an actual number on the scales. Honestly, this is equal parts terrifying and exciting. An extraordinarily large part of me can't believe I'm actually at this stage, and I'm not entirely sure how to come to terms with that. I've never succeeded in coming so far with weight loss before - to the point where the end is so wonderfully close I can almost touch it - so I'm now navigating unchartered territory and don't really know what t do with myself. At the moment the plan is to keep soldiering on as normal with the intention of passing 'go' and collecting my £200 soon enough. Fingers crossed.


The only other thing to talk about is the fact that I'm starting to struggle with my exercise apps now. I'm thinking that maybe I just don't have enough energy on LighterLife to do as much exercise as the apps require and to keep pushing myself quite so hard. I've been relatively okay so far but in the last few days I've been shaking like a leaf and practically seeing stars when I'm finished. In the grand scheme of things I'm very proud that I'm still managing to do them, and I don't mind that they're taking much longer than before to complete as I'll keep going for however long it takes in order to finish the allocated exercises. However I'm shattered when they're done, and not in a good 'exercise-and-endorphins-tired' way, but 'tired-in-my-bones' and a little light-headed. Maybe I need to split them up throughout the day and not do them all in one massive chunk in the evening in order to finish them without feeling too exhausted. Who knows?!


So that's all I have to report… It's not much, but I'm thrilled at the lack of drama/meltdowns/existential life crises happening at the moment...

WEEK 34 LOSS: 2lbs
TOTAL LOSS: 76.5lbs // 5st 6.5lbs


  1. For a second there I was like 'woah who's paying you?!'
    I'm an idiot! However I am available for monopoly games if that's something you fancy x

    1. Ahaha I wish someone was paying me! How lovely would that be aha?!
      I am literally up for anything that keeps my hands occupied and stops me from lapsing! Board games seem like the next logical step! xx
