
Tuesday 10 February 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Week 33

I am back on track. THANK THE LORD.

The first week after a break was always going to yield a larger than normal loss - so really I wasn't even remotely concerned about that result on the scales - but it's the second week that had me worried. This could have been the week that I cracked, lost my willpower and started to seriously question what I was doing. Luckily that didn't happen, and yet again I displayed my penchant for pre-emptively panicking for no reason.

This week I lost 2lbs.


I'm not going to lie, more would have been nice, but let's be honest losing more than 2lbs following a week when I lost 9lbs is horrendously unrealistic! After a crestfallen 30 seconds on the scales pretending to be upbeat about the whole scenario, I gave myself a quick - but hard - mental shake and promptly got over myself. 2lbs is brilliant. I'm heading 100% in the right direction; I'm in a weight bracket I haven't seen in literally years; and with a couple more weeks like this I'll be transitioning to maintaining my weight in no time at all. Get a grip, Forth.


On the whole, it's been another good week. My head's in a really, really positive place and I'm still ridiculously focused. I've stuck to the plan every day as instructed, the only difference being I've had closer to 2l of water a day rather than the 3l I was having the week before. To combat this I want to try and drink more over the next 7 days, but I'm not going to beat myself up about it if this doesn't happen exactly how I'd like. It's not like I'm going to be dehydrated at any point if I fail to meet my 3l target each day, so I don't really see a problem...


Honestly, I don't really have much more to say! I've carried on with my exercise apps as I wanted to, and although a missed a day mid-week I made up for it by doing double the next day so I'm still on track. My cross-stitch is coming along nicely and still keeping me from lapsing - I've now almost finished Henry VIII (aside from his legs and head, but I think I'm going to keep him deliberately beheaded until the end, just because...) and haven't cracked and eaten something I shouldn't. This positive mindset is obviously subconsciously helping as I've starting doing things I've actively put off for months: I have new glasses, my passport is finally renewed (it's only taken 3 years), and I've started actively thinking about the future. It doesn't sound like much, but they're enormous hurdles for me, and I'm glad I've now leaped over them. It's like I said near the beginning of these posts: I always knew losing weight wouldn't automatically clear up all the obstacles and problems in my head, but as it's always formed the basis of the majority of them continuing to lose on the scales is rather helpfully going hand in hand with a better mindset. This can only be a good thing going forward.


Sorry this is such a boring post, but I think it's the best kind of boring! I'm not having a meltdown, I'm not drowning in self-doubt and I'm completely focused. I wish I had something more exciting to write about, but sadly everything is just ticking over without much complaint. In this instance, having nothing much to say probably says more than I ever could.

WEEK 32 LOSS: 2lbs
TOTAL LOSS: 72lbs // 5st 2lbs

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