
Tuesday 3 February 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Week 32

Well this week went okay.

(I'm trying to be coy: I'm utterly giddy with the result.)

I LOST 9lbs. Nine. Pounds. !!!


To quote Neville Longbottom: that went well.


As it stands, I've sorted out the gain from my break; kickstarted my weight loss and well and truly said goodbye to being classified as obese. YES.

Ignoring the loss, it's still been a really, really good week. Yesterday morning was genuinely the first time I've looked in the mirror and noticed a major difference. I had to do a double take at my waist (there's a chunk missing) and my collarbone (it's now prominent). I've found my ribs, hipbones, ankles and jaw. That's not to say I've suddenly started looking like a skeleton (far from it) but that there's no longer a layer of insulation covering absolutely everything. To be honest, as great as that is, I'm now freezing all the time.


Sorting out my wardrobe has been on my to-do list since before Christmas, but I think I've been putting it off because I've been too scared. I bought a couple of things in the sales before Christmas and they were either too small or only just fit (with the intention of losing weight to get into them), but I don't think I wanted to try them again in case they still didn't look right. How demoralising would that be? Well I tried everything on yesterday that was hanging in my closet, and everything I bought now either fits or is too big. Skirts that barely zipped up on the smallest part of my waist now hang off my hips and I can finally wear a dress that wouldn't even remotely button up a couple of months ago. I've also finally thrown out clothes I've barely worn but are so huge even a strategically placed belt makes it look like I'm wearing a tent. The gingham dress from this post - sadly worn only a handful of times - is now languishing in a pile of clothes for the charity shop. As a result I now own around 10 individual items of clothing and have a virtually empty wardrobe. That's less than ideal, but I'm not complaining!

I'm back on the fitness wagon too. I've still been doing the apps I downloaded at the start of December, but throughout January I dropped the ball with them. I sort of stuck it out all month but didn't do each day as instructed. By the 31st I was only on Day 20 of 2 of them but had completed the third. I've now reset the two levels I didn't complete and moved onto the next one of push-ups. Hopefully I can stick to them for the full 30 days (even though there's only 28 in February which really annoys me!). If I could do it in December, I can definitely do it again now.


This week I've been so determined to stay on track that I've been scared to venture out and test my limits in any way. I've been vaguely anti-social, rarely leaving the house unless I had to and instead focussing on staying away from food and any such temptations and making sure my head was in the right place. Working through my to-do list at home has been a godsend. I've planned every day meticulously and aside from an unplanned day out on Thursday it's helped enormously to have such structure in this week of all weeks. I thought that if I cracked now my resolve would be shaken for the foreseeable future. As it is, I'm now back on track and in the swing of the packs, and I think I can handle being around food and shaking up my routine again without screwing up my weight loss plans.


I mentioned in last week's post that I'd taken up cross-stitch, and after a trip to Hobbycraft I crazily indulged my inner history nerd/little old lady and impulse bought a huge design of Henry VIII and his 6 wives. It's the size of 4 A3 sheets of paper, and I am beyond determined to finish it. Every time I've felt hungry or like lapsing this week, I've settled down with this ridiculous cross-stitch and kept myself occupied: by the time I've finished cross-stitching a stripe of colour for half an hour the hunger has gone. I'm distracted and busy; both of my hands are full; and I'm doing something vaguely productive. Win/win all round, as sad as this hobby might be!

Henry VIII is helping me lose weight: how did that happen?!

WEEK 31 LOSS: 9lbs
TOTAL LOSS: 70lbs // 5st

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