
Tuesday 30 December 2014

Transformation Tuesday Week 27

Christmas is - hands down - my favourite time of the year, and I'm pleased to report that even though I didn't celebrate it in the way I've always done in the past (eating enough food to feed a family of six) I still loved it just as much as I always do. If anything, I enjoyed it more because I didn't suffer several days in a food coma and constantly feeling disgusting. I might sound a little smug in saying it, so apologies, but everything went exactly as planned food-wise and as a result I couldn't be prouder.

Planning what I was going to do so far in advance worked wonders, and I'm immensely glad I took the five days off from LighterLife. I did have a minor panic on the 23rd at the thought of eating conventional food and started the day with a chocolate shake before convincing myself that it was actually okay and I was completely in control. Over the next few days I navigated real food without much complaint. For the first time I can remember I didn't gorge myself on chocolates or dreaded party nibbles till I felt sick while watching Shrek for the millionth time. That's not to say I was a complete angel and stuck to salads with small, measured amounts of meat for the whole five days, but when I did snack I had one of something, and not the packet. If I had a mince pie, it was a mini one and not full sized; and when I would ordinarily put a massive dent in a tub of Celebrations on an evening instead I had a handful of yoghurt coated cranberries (my new vice which I know probably has the same amount of sugar but filled me up extremely quickly, ergo I had less).

On Christmas Day I was extremely overambitious and tried to eat off a normal sized plate. Even though I consciously put significantly less on my plate than I did last year, I struggled even having half of it, so in the days that followed I took to having meals on a side plate. Given how my stomach has definitely shrunk over the last 6 months I wasn't keen to push my limits and undo so much hard work. I definitely ate more than if I'd have had 5 days off from the programme in April or November, but I just felt that Christmas was such a specific time of year and I wasn't willing to miss out. For me, it was just a case of making sensible decisions that meant I didn't go wild or deprive myself of anything at the same time. Yes, I had piece of shortbread in the afternoon if I wanted one, but at mealtimes I filled up on vegetables and meat first ensuring I was completely full before even contemplating dessert (which uncharacteristically I rarely touched).


Essentially I managed to have five lovely food-filled days, and it definitely wasn't as terrifying as I feared. The only downside was that I had to endure a food baby that quite literally made me look pregnant from the sheer shock of consuming more food than I have in six months. Luckily, though, that completely disappeared already after two days back on LighterLife.


I didn't manage to go to my meeting last night, but I did make a point of weighing myself at home instead. As it stands I've put on a couple of pounds - I'm not entirely sure how many as my home scales fluctuate slightly - which I am 100% okay with and refuse to feel in the slightest bit guilty about. I've been back on the programme since Saturday, though, so by the weekend I should be back on track weight-wise. Getting back into it all has been immensely difficult for me as I feel my willpower is all over the place. I'm definitely committed to weight loss but I'm doubting my ability to keep doing LighterLife over the next few months. I need to have a long, hard think about it all over the next week and come up with a plan of attack for 2015.

My priorities have now changed too. The only way I can describe it that at the beginning I felt I had to lose the weight in order to address my fitness, but now I want to increase my fitness levels and let the weight loss almost take a backseat. I've now finished my 3 30 Day challenges, and I'm feeling super inspired to keep going. The only problem is that in the run up to Christmas I was feeling extremely lightheaded doing half an hour of exercise a day, but found when having normal food I managed it with out complaint (aching muscles from so many squats aside…). Given that I want to up my exercise I might have to look into upping my calories too. It's a lot to think about, but it's currently at the top of my to do list!


Thanks for reading these posts over the last six months. Even though I'm changing quite a lot with regards to blogging in the new year I'll definitely be continuing with these Tuesday posts for the foreseeable future. As long as I still have weight to lose I'll still have things to write about!

All that's left to say is: Happy New Year! I hope you all have a prosperous and fabulous 2015! xxx


TOTAL LOSS: 65lbs // 4st 9lbs

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