
Tuesday 16 December 2014

Transformation Tuesday: Week 25

Genuinely surprising news on the weight loss front his week, but I think it's just what I needed to spur me on into the next few Christmassy weeks.

This week I lost 3.5lbs (!) and I have no idea how.



I mentioned it last week but I lapsed on Tuesday, and I don't think I've had a single day since where I've had all 4 food packs: instead I've had either 2 or 3 during the day and an average amount of water. The problem with having so few calories to begin with is that by cutting them down even more - and not having the correct amount of packs - is not only a little bit dangerous (and 100% not recommended by LighterLife at all) but my body always seems to panic and therefore holds onto everything I eat. It's like there's a cut off point, and missing a couple of packs drops me below it, and as a result I temporarily stop losing weight, and instead just maintain. That's why I was utterly convinced that this week I'd lose very little, if any at all.


Plus, I've been continuing to stick to the 30 Day challenge apps and thought that the slow build of muscle would affect the scales even if I was losing inches. I'm really starting to see a change just 15 days in. I can see bones and muscle definition that haven't been visible for around 4 years, and as far as fitness goes I can now comfortably do a lot more before my legs turn to jelly and I need a quick sit down and a few (read: a lot) deep breaths. Let's be honest I'm still horrendously unfit and am not going to be doing a marathon next weekend after a fortnight of exercise, but every little helps, and surely this baby step is just the start. You were all right: seeing mini changes in endurance and recovery time really does work wonders for your motivation to keep going and pushing further.


I'm finding it harder and harder to stick to the plan as Christmas fast approaches. I'm not too bothered by all of the sweet treats being advertised quite literally everywhere right now, but I am craving vegetables like you would not believe. If I see one more celebrity chef's show or a link to a recipe detailing the best way to cook Christmas vegetables I'm going to crack. It sounds completely ridiculous on a thousand different levels, but I lapsed with steamed vegetables last week and I am extremely close to doing it again.

I've planned to come off LighterLife from Tuesday 23rd to Saturday 27th December as I refuse to have my carbonara packs and chocolate shakes on Christmas Day: I'm not ashamed to admit my willpower just isn't that strong. I'm hoping that because I've planned it so far in advance - and fully come to terms with the fact that I'm back on conventional food again for a few days - I should be able stick within my predetermined parameters such that there shouldn't be too much damage control (if any?!) necessary at the start of January. That's the theory anyway. Who knows: I might be faced with a mince pie, panic, completely crack and end up single-handedly demolishing a family sized hamper while watching The Lego Movie. I've never done that before though so I sincerely hope that won't happen!*

*I have every faith it won't, but it's best not to discount the seemingly ludicrous at this stage, just in case...


It's safe to say I think everyone struggles a bit at Christmas, whether you're currently losing weight, keeping a close eye on the scales or just don't care until it's all over. I don't think I've ever put so much thought into how I'm going to tackle these days food-wise, so any tips? Have any of you tried doing a healthy Christmas before, and if so how did you get on? Please do let me know: I'm trying to be super organised!

WEEK 24 LOSS: 3.5lbs
TOTAL LOSS: 64lbs // 4st 8lbs

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