
Tuesday 2 December 2014

Transformation Tuesday: Week 23

I don't know whether it's the fact that I'm currently practically over-flowing with Christmas spirit and a little bit giddy thanks to an overdose of fairy lights and Elf, but my weight loss head's in a really, really good place at the moment.

Continuing in the pattern I've come to expect, this week I lost 2.5lbs.



I'm still in the mindset where I'm happy with any loss, so this was lovely!


It's definitely really helped that I've managed to see so many of my favourite people in person over the last week or so. The support I've received online over the last few months has been completely overwhelming at times and totally unexpected, and I appreciate it all more than anyone reading this could ever know. However there's something exceptionally special and heartwarming to meet up with friends and be reassured that it's all going to plan and the weight loss is actually noticeable. On bad days it's easy to ignore a lovely note on twitter or leave a Facebook message temporarily unopened, but face to face you can't hide, and I'm really glad that's the case. I still don't know how to process and react appropriately to a compliment, and perhaps it's rather selfish but I've really appreciated hearing them recently. If anything, this positivity from the people I value and respect most has helped to increase the motivation I'm feeling and is inspiring me to keep going. As far as I'm concerned that can only be a good thing.


I don't really have much to add this week! I'm more focused than I thought I'd be at the start of December and I'm hoping to push this through to Christmas. The thought of eating conventional food for a couple of days over Christmas is starting to scare me a little as I'm so driven at the moment, but I know that if I plan it properly over the next few weeks then it should be fine. Fingers crossed anyway!

WEEK 22 LOSS: 2.5lbs
TOTAL LOSS: 59.5lbs // 4st 3.5lbs

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