
Tuesday 30 September 2014

Transformation Tuesday: Week 14

This week's result on the scales seemed disappointing, but honestly, it's completely understandable.

I only lost 1lb this week.


It's frighteningly easy to be extremely disappointed by this, but I refuse to.


I've had a couple of days where I've only had 3 packs and not 4, and I've been limiting my water intake without realising as I've not been feeling wonderful all week. During a flying visit to London on Saturday I cracked and had a latte at lunchtime, but I only managed half of it as my body pretty much immediately reacted badly to the dairy content and I'm only just getting over it now. My feet and hands are no longer enormous - by Saturday evening I had extremely attractive sausage fingers and cankles - but they're still a little swollen. I normally try to avoid dairy thanks to a mild lactose intolerance, but it looks like 13 weeks on LighterLife has reset my body and I now can't even cope with skimmed milk as I used to. I'm not complaining as it's just empty calories and I'm really not bothered about cutting it out, but it's a pain while working out what my body now can and cannot handle!

I've been extremely thirsty over the last couple of days too, so the 2 litres of water I drank during the afternoon clearly didn't help with the scales last night. I normally don't drink so excessively on a Monday but totally forgot I had a weigh in: rookie error…!


Although I'm in the right mindset with LighterLife at the moment at 3 months in I am starting to lose my willpower and it's a lot more tempting to lapse than it was before. It's like I've said in a previous post, even though I'm 3 stone closer to my goal I still have an awfully long way to go, and I think the next month is going to be a difficult one in terms of motivating myself not to throw in the towel and actually acknowledge how far I'm come. This initiative from LighterLife therefore came at exactly the right time.


It sounds like a lot to lose, but it's definitely doable if I follow the programme properly and keep my head in the game. I'm still not setting myself targets for a finishing weight, so this is more of a rough estimate but it's still something to aim for.

One thing I've not mentioned before but is worth addressing is the support network on twitter. As with everything, you only get out what you put in, and with LighterLife this is definitely the case. It's all well and good engaging in the weekly sessions, but once you're home and away from a room of people on the same wave-length it can be a lot easier to lapse. Having the support of family and friends that are fully invested in my weight loss journey has been one of the most wonderful and encouraging things over the last 3 months, but there's no getting away from the fact that it still really helps to have people out there that are going through the same thing to cheer you on too. The LighterLife twitter feed has massively improved over the last few years and it's now super easy to find others doing the programme too. For anyone reading this that's just started I'd whole-heartedly recommend reaching out on twitter and talking to others - it's like having a 24/7 group session and there's always someone ready to send out a tweet of encouragement or offer advice on packs/lasping/life. It helps me anyway, and I've really appreciated it a lot more this week as I've started to have a negative niggling voice in the back of my head questioning carrying on.


For now, though, I intend to hit the next week hard. Hopefully if I break it down and approach the 3 months to the end of the year in smaller chunks then everything will seem a lot more achievable. It's time to start celebrating small goals and to temporarily let go of the bigger picture. Change will happen - that much is inevitable - and I want to look back on the 31st December 2014 in a better place and wondering where those 3 months (and stone) went.

WEEK 13 LOSS: 1lb
TOTAL LOSS: 42lbs // 3st

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