
Tuesday 2 September 2014

Transformation Tuesday: Week 10

Unfortunately, I have nothing particularly spectacular to report this week: it's been pretty much business as usual.

After last week's lapse my head's been back in the game, and although I've weirdly not been overly enthused about my current weight loss I've been back on track. This week I've drank significantly more water than normal and it definitely shows.

This week I lost 3lbs.


I can't lie: I'm pretty chuffed with this!

I didn't have a sort of light-bulb moment that kicked me back into gear, but rather it was a slow process that meant by the weekend I was working my way through more fluids than normal, I hadn't really thought about food and at no point had I considered lapsing. The best part is I wasn't even fully aware of it - pulling myself back onto the wagon happened without me realising it, which isn't exactly a bad thing!


This week was so hectic that I haven't had time to lapse or question my judgements, and save for a few days where I felt once again that I was punishing myself by doing the programme my head's been in a good place. The moments where I resented the lack of conventional food were definitely at times when I'd turn to food to 'solve' the problem or as a reaction to any form of heightened emotion, and when I couldn't do that I irrationally felt frustrated with LighterLife. This kind of automatic reaction - turning to food to address an emotion - is something I desperately need to nip in the bud, and ultimately it's only a good thing that while losing weight on an abstinence programme I can assess why I behave in that way without giving in to temptation.


It's the type of behavioural change that takes time, and given the fact that I'm committed to a lifestyle change I'm confident that I can give it the attention it needs and ultimately be successful. There'll obviously be the inevitable ups and downs, but it's certainly an achievable goal in the long run.


Sorry I don't really have much to say this week! It's not necessarily a bad thing that the week's been so uneventful in terms of the programme, but it makes for a boring post! Hopefully I'll have more to write about next week...

WEEK 9 LOSS: 3lbs
TOTAL LOSS: 35lbs // 2st 7lbs

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