
Tuesday 19 August 2014

Transformation Tuesday: Week 8

Well, this week was a tiny (enormous) bit of a success. 

I’ve officially moved back to Cheshire. Apart from a flying visit to London to hand in the keys to my flat this week I’m now once again a fully-fledged northerner, living in the middle of rolling green fields in a tiny English village, a million miles from civilisation and a good wifi connection (slight exaggeration, but the internet really is extremely slow…). Away from the distractions of the City I’m finally able to focus all my attention for the time being on sorting my life out, and I think this enforced period of semi-isolation and self-contemplation – only for the last 9 days, so slightly over-dramatic… – has seriously helped with my weight loss. Actually, there’s no ‘thinking’ about it: it definitely has. This week I lost 9lbs.


You read that correctly. 9lbs.

I weighed myself at home and convinced myself that the scales were somehow broken or temporarily malfunctioning as there’s no way I could have lost that much. However, after being weighed at my new LighterLife group in Crewe the scales there registered exactly the same loss for this week. As I mentioned previously, I was ill and had to have a week off the LighterLife food packs. Even though I didn’t binge or ‘negatively’ lapse during that week off, and somehow maintained my weight over the week, I was convinced that I would feel the consequences on the scales yesterday. I knew I wouldn’t have put anything on, but I didn’t think the loss would be anything spectacular.


Hence why I’m so shocked! 9lbs is an insane amount, and I almost don’t believe it myself. All week I haven’t felt particularly slimmer, and apart from noticing how huge some of my favourite dresses and my single pair of jeans are becoming I haven’t really seen much of a difference in my appearance. It might be because I’ve been so busy all week that I haven’t had time to focus on my weight and let the process of losing it consume me. I’ve been mindlessly having all four packs a day, always had a 1.5l bottle of Evian in my hand and haven’t really had the time to think about food or put myself in a position to be tempted to lapse. Even a spot of baking last week and the return of The Great British Bake Off hasn’t knocked me off track.


My head’s miraculously in a really good place, and that’s definitely not a bad thing!

It helps that I’ve found a LighterLife group too. Since I last did LighterLife in Cheshire (in my gap year) there seem to be significantly less groups to choose from in the North West, but luckily the Crewe group is both not too far away and at a convenient time - falling on the exact same day and time as I had the Moorgate group in London. I don’t think this could have worked out better! It’s completely different to the London group – a full group is less than half of a poor attendance week at Moorgate, I have to buy packs at the session, and the difference in age between myself and the rest of the women is an awful lot larger than before. That being said I’m sure I’m going to fit in fine there. The counsellor, Sue, is very attentive and constantly exudes a typical northern friendliness and warmth, which was particularly helpful as I was the only person to stay for the session last night! One-on-one sessions are the way forward, and a smaller group has the potential to be even more beneficial for me than a large one, but I suppose only time will tell.

Also, inspiration this week has come from The Sunday Times Style magazine. My mum subscribes to The Times and so when I’m at home I can catch up on the news (see: read the weekend magazines once she’s finished with them). Style is running a #FITNOTTHIN campaign, and I’ve finally managed to read last week’s article with cover star Ellie Goulding, who is an ambassador for their campaign. As a star that fills her Instagram page with photos of her working out, and who speaks openly of her love of running and fitness it makes sense for Style to shine a spotlight on her. The whole concept is promoting increased physical fitness and strength over a desire to be unhealthily thin, and I’m completely inspired. I’ve always loved the thought of exercise but never felt confident enough to get involved and take the first steps: I’ve always been too embarrassed by my size. This week, however, I’ve found my trainers, unearthed Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred, and wiped the dust off the Wii behind the sofa. Once I’ve bought new work out gear I’m going to get started, and the sooner the better. I’m not going in full throttle from the offset, but instead intend to build a fitness regime up slowly as I’m quite literally starting from scratch. I’m definitely feeling very inspired though!


My question this week is fitness related: I’m a total novice, so what would any fitness-fanatics out there recommend? I’m not joining a gym as I think I should take advantage of the countryside and having a large garage to save money! So, I need ideas for home exercises. Do you like a particular exercise DVD or a yoga work out on YouTube? Is there a piece of gym equipment you think would help with a work out and would fit at home? Do let me know and get in touch: I’d love to hear – and desperately need – any and all advice!

WEEK 7 LOSS: 9lbs
TOTAL LOSS: 30lbs // 2st 2lbs

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