
Tuesday 5 August 2014

Transformation Tuesday: Week 6

So it turns out that last week's panic over a lack of a weigh-in was all for nothing.

Even though writing last week's post and seeing the response from everyone really helped to keep me on track and stay focused when I didn't have a group session, I still spent the best part of the week worrying that my weight loss had slowed dramatically. Logically this makes absolutely no sense - I didn't lapse, my water intake has increased and I've started doing an exercise video, all factors that should help weight loss not hinder it. However there was constantly a little voice at the back of my mind telling me that as I hadn't been weighed I was only going to lose a few pounds and it'd be a wasted fortnight. As a result, although I wasn't completely negative all week, I wasn't entirely enthused about my efforts on the programme. At times I really, really hate my brain.


As it happens, all that worrying was a total waste of time, as over the last two weeks I've lost 6lbs.


This means I've now hit 1st 7lb in 5 weeks, which if I'm being honest I'm quite pleased about!

It's been tough and there have been moments when I've wanted nothing more than to lapse but keeping busy has helped. I've been looking for motivation online and decided to start a Pinterest, so if you have one then please help me out: I have no idea what I'm doing! I'm a sucker for motivational quotes so thought an hour here and there 'pinning' (correct word?!) might help stave off the thought of cheating on the programme. It's pretty barren at the moment, and I have no idea what boards/pins etc mean, but hopefully when I get used to it there'll be more on there!


This week was also my last week with my London LighterLife group as I'm moving back to Cheshire at the end of the week. It's such a shame as I'm just starting to get to know the others in the group and feel comfortable to share and contribute in the sessions. If you're thinking of doing LighterLife and live/work in central London then I can't recommend Cynthia at Moorgate enough. Everyone in the group is utterly lovely and I'm so glad I started the programme again here. It's been such a good few weeks getting back into the swing of the packs and beginning to tackle my issues with food head on, and I know that thanks to such a positive start I'm in the right mind-set to carry on up north and keep losing. I'd argue that the first few weeks of any lifestyle change are crucial and determine how you're going to take to it in the long run, and I don't think I could have had a better first experience this time around with LighterLife.


The change over period of the next few weeks will probably be tough, and I doubt I'm going to have a solid figure of how much I've really lost as I'll be weighed on different scales and maybe on a different day, but everything should - in theory - settle down soon. As long as I stick to the packs - and as Cynthia discussed this week, you don't need a Counsellor to check you're having the packs and not lapsing, that's entirely up to you - then the time taken to sort out the sessions and find a Counsellor shouldn't set me back too much on my "journey". *Eughh, still hate that word.

My main issue now is that although I'm currently riding a wave of success and achieving all my little goals, I'm concerned this enthusiasm is going to waver particularly given the uncertainty of the next few weeks. So, my question to you is what keeps you motivated? It doesn't have to be weight related at all, but more what keeps you going in order to reach whatever personal goals you might set? Do you have a folder of inspirational quotes on your computer, or listen to a certain piece of music, or is there a passage in a book that helps? Let me know in the comments below or drop me a tweet, please!

WEEK 5 LOSS: 6lbs
TOTAL LOSS: 21lbs // 1st 7lbs


  1. Hi Emma, it's Georgie from the Moorgate group :)

    Well done on the 6, that's great! I know what you mean about the niggling voice saying you can use a 2 week 'break' as a reason to lapse and pull it back (which annoyingly is what I did - old habits die hard). Luckily I pulled it back enough for a loss but looking back I'm a bit miffed with myself as it could have been double! Oh well, as you say, even 1 off is going in the right direction so I must remember that!

    Hope the move goes well and that you find a group soon! maybe your posts on Tuesdays can help give you a sense of being accountable in the meantime? I'll follow you on pinterest too (although if you follow back I warn I do kind of "fantasy pin" things to make/bake in the future so switch those boards off if they are at all triggering!)


    1. Hi Georgie!
      So glad you found my blog - it's good to keep in touch! Well done on the loss last week - hope this week went well too!
      The move's gone really well, it's just a bit tricky finding a suitable group up here which is annoying. Hopefully it'll sort itself out soon :) blogging is helping immensely in the meantime though!
      I'm trying to get the hang of Pinterest but I'll try and follow you too! I bake a lot anyway, so no worries on triggering boards aha :)
      E xx
