
Tuesday 29 July 2014

Transformation Tuesday: Week 5

To be honest, this week's a bit of a tricky one to write about.

My LighterLife counsellor is on holiday so the session last night was bizarrely changed to a phone session, and unfortunately - as there was no-one in the office - I was unable to be weighed. As a result I have no idea how much I've lost this week, and have no indication of how I'm getting on. I completely understand why I couldn't be weighed, but it's a little frustrating!

From past experience, I know that I need to be weighed each week by someone else in order to keep me on track. If I weigh myself there's always the temptation to ignore the number on the scales if I don't like it. Also, if I go two weeks or more without being weighed at a group session then I'm more likely to fall off the wagon as there's a voice at the back of my mind telling me there's always time to correct a lapse before a weigh in. 


As ever, I've stuck to the programme 100% this week so a loss is pretty much guaranteed. However, for some reason I don't trust this, and have been sort of relying on a check in each week to keep me on track. I really don't need it this time around - my head's in the game and blogging is keeping me together - but I'm still concerned as to what this week off will do to my loss given how it's affected me in the past. It's totally psychological, which is the most annoying thing!


My main indication that I'm doing okay this week has been my clothes. A month into the LighterLife programme I'm wearing dresses that have been hidden at the back of my wardrobe since Christmas as they've been unbearably tight, and my favourite outfits are now baggy and a size too big. Everyone has a particular amount of weight that makes them uncomfortable; for some it's a couple of pounds, others a kilo, but for me I think it's the stone I've lost in the last few weeks. I no longer feel absolutely enormous: my waist is back, my ribs have made an appearance again, and my jaw is no longer hidden behind a never ending chin. It's not a lot, but it's enough - for now - to make me look at life in a more positive manner. I know I still have a long way to go, but feeling smaller reminds me how good it feels to lose weight and hints at how amazing I could feel maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


So as far as I'm concerned although I don't know how much I've lost according to the scales - and yes, that does still worry me - feeling thinner and acknowledging personally how much I've lost is a major breakthrough and good enough for me this week. I'm always the last to admit I'm doing anything well, but in this case I can actually see I'm heading in the right direction with my own eyes. After all, the evidence is right in front of me and no matter how negative I become in my head I have physical proof that I've lost weight. It's not a result of good lighting or expert camera angles: I've lost weight and literally cannot deny it now.

Another few months like this and I'll be happy!

TOTAL LOSS: 15lbs // 1st 1lb

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