
Monday 28 April 2014

#100happydays : DAYS 91-100

I've been meaning to do this post for almost a fortnight but life - read: dissertation - consistently got in the way and I just haven't had the chance. I'm incredibly pleased to say that I actually finished the 100 happy days challenge on time and never missed a single day. I don't think I've ever done something for 100 consecutive days, and I know I've never stuck to a New Year's Resolution quite like this. As silly as it sounds, for me this is quite an achievement. I have very little faith in my abilities and find it impossible to believe I can actually do anything I set my mind to. I'm the type of person that needs constant validation and evidence to prove the little voices of self-doubt in my head wrong, and this challenge has ended up being the perfect example of my ability to actually follow something through to the end. Challenges in the future should feel a little less daunting now.

So, here are my last 10 days. The entire 100 days can be found here, and if you have missed the bandwagon entirely thus far but want to get involved, then jump on it here and get started!

7th April 2014
91/100 - Nothing beats colour coordinated dissertation notes.

8th April 2014
92/100 - Dissertation break.

9th April 2014
93/100 - I thought I couldn't love the royal family any more, then this happens. Look at Prince George's cheeks! What a cutie!

10th April 2014
94/100 - True. Good old Winston.

11th April 2014
95/100 - Burgers and Captain America 2. Love it when my mum comes to visit!

12th April 2014
96/100 - Such fun! Miranda Hart's 'What I Call Tour' was amazing: what a lovely, hilarious woman. I'm now making a point of galloping everywhere.

13th April 2014
97/100 - Absolutely love this woman. Perfect long weekend with Mama Forth!

14th April 2014
98/100 - #ELLEinspire

15th April 2014
99/100 - Cinema and a catch up with my best friend: perfect way to spend an evening!

16th April 2014
100/100 - Day 100. 'Nuff said…

So that's it! 100 days down, 0 to go…

I'm planning a few more challenges for the summer and beyond - so watch this space - but there's the small task of final exams and graduation before I can get started on them… I shouldn't be around much for the next month as I'll have my head buried in my books, but if anyone needs me I'll either be in the British Library or procrastinating on twitter, so come say hi and give me a forceful shove back to my work!

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