
Saturday 12 April 2014

#100happydays : DAYS 81-90

So this is it: the penultimate 10 days of the challenge!

As ever, if you'd like to join in then it's not too late: you can find out more information here, and see what's been making me smile for the past 90 days here.

28th March 2014
81/100 - Perfect end to the week.

29th March 2014
82/100 - Reason no. 27305927161020 to love the BFI? The Reuben Library. Spending a day here sifting through microfilms of 100 year old film magazines has been the absolute highlight of my dissertation research and has reminded me why I chose my topic in the first place.

30th March 2014
83/100 - Just as exquisite the second time round. Wes Anderson is a genius.

31st March 2014
84/100 - "Je suis tellement isolé. Très seul." - Yves Saint Laurent

1st April 2014
85/100 - No rest for the wicked: one and only break of the day. Cup of tea, browse of my favourite blog The Londoner and a quick peruse of last week's Stylist Magazine before a final dive into the archives.

2nd April 2014
86/100 - London, you beauty. #bestcityintheworld #lucky

3rd April 2014
87/100 - Incredibly talented old man just rocked up and started playing. Placing pianos throughout the station? King's Cross St Pancras, you're doing rush hour right.

4th April 2014
88/100 - I've miraculously managed to avoid all major spoilers for S3E9 of Game of Thrones, but I know this #RedWedding is going to be intense... Armed with Hummingbird Bakery rainbow cake and an enormous cup of tea, I think I'm ready. Bring it on.

5th April 2014
89/100 - Barbican you are super beautiful in the sun!

6th April 2014
90/100 - So excited to watch this on iPlayer later once I've finished more dissertation work. I will watch quite literally anything to do with #WWI and I adore a good @bbcone drama: #TheCrimsonField looks amazing!

So that's 90 down, only 10 more to go...

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