
Wednesday 19 March 2014

#100happydays : DAYS 61-70

It's a few days late as Week 20 is quite literally killing me, but here's the next 10 days of #100happydays!

If you'd like to join in then it's not too late! You can find out more information here, and see what's been making me smile for the past 70 days here.

8th March 2014
61/100 - International Women's Day.

9th March 2014
62/100 - The Grand Budapest Hotel is such an exquisite film. Excellent pace, witty script, sensational cast, beautifully shot and undeniably stylish. Favourite film of 2014 so far. I desperately want to run back to the cinema and see it all over again. 5*!

10th March 2014
63/100 - Stuck inside the British Library all day, but managed to spend most of it handling a beautiful Kinematograph Directory from 1914. The pages may be crumbling, the pictures fading and the spine completely destroyed, but it's heaven! 

11th March 2014
64/100 - Archive time! I will be a proper historian before I finish degree if it kills me... 

12th March 2014
65/100 - I completely love the Queens. Working here was the best way to spend a summer, and I doubt anything can top it! Visiting always makes me wish I was back! 

13th March 2014
66/100 - Coursework time.

14th March 2014
67/100 - Rather sad, but I love Metropolitan line trains.

15th March 2014
68/100 - Beautiful people. Beautiful brunch.

16th March 2014
69/100 - Barbican you are looking beautiful. Summer is coming!

17th March 2014
70/100 - Coursework finally done. Time for tea and an M&S fudge & chocolate hot cross bun. Bliss. I need to try making these next week! 

70 days down, only 30 to go...

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