
Saturday 15 February 2014

#100happydays : DAYS 31-40

So, here's another 10 happy days!

As ever, if you'd like to join in then you can find out more information here, and see what's been making me smile for the past 40 days here.

6th February 2014
31/100 - Morning coffee at the British Library and picture editing for a blog post. Looking through my photos made me wish I had time to see this exhibition again!

7th February 2014
32/100 - Dallas Buyers Club wasn't the best film I've seen this awards season, but Jared Leto was insanely good. For me, nothing beats a trip to the cinema, and no cinema tops the one at the Barbican.

8th February 2014
33/100 - "Today, we are cancelling the apocalypse!" Pacific Rim was one of my favourite films of 2013: so glad I finally have it on DVD! Now, let's go fishing...

9th February 2014
34/100 - Stressful day improved by watching The Hobbit. Seriously obsessed with Middle Earth at the moment...

10th February 2014
35/100 - Coffee and procrastination is the perfect antidote to the most stressful week of my university career.

11th February 2014
36/100 - Presents from my parents: perfect timing in the middle of a horrible week!

12th February 2014
37/100 - Brunch with my favourite people.

13th February 2014
38/100 - Beautiful full moon over Barbican. Watch out for werewolves...

14th February 2014
39/100 - In the midst of a hellish essay week, my Dad finds ways to make me smile. #pretendDrForth

15th February 2014
40/100 - Brilliant!

So I've basically had a rubbish 10 days but still found a little something to make me happy every day. It's in times like this that I utterly love this challenge: I'd dread to think what these 10 days would have been like without it!

40 down, 60 to go now...

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