
Sunday 26 January 2014

#100happydays : DAYS 11-20

I love how over the last few weeks the #100happydays concept has really taken off. My Facebook and Twitter feeds have been full of people posting pictures of what makes them happy, and surely this kind of positivity can only be a good thing when the weather's so depressing and deadlines are popping up all over the place. As January draws to a close and my stress levels increase, having something to smile about each day is a total God send.

If you haven't signed up already you can do so here, and make sure you tag your photos #100happydays on whichever social media platform you use. It's definitely worth it: 20 days in I'm realising I do more fun stuff than I thought and somehow I can find happiness in the smallest things. It's almost as if I'm retraining my brain to see the glass as half full and no longer constantly half empty.

17th January 2014
11/100 - Sell me this pen.

18th January 2014
12/100 - Coffee and catching up on The Graham Norton Show. Such an excellent sofa this week!

19th January 2014
13/100 - Blogging. I do love a good red carpet.

20th January 2014
14/100 - Let's boo-boo. A third of my favourite trilogy and cleaning.

21st January 2014
15/100 - Thank you Tesco delivery: no more heavy trips to the supermarket for me!

22nd January 2014
16/100 - "Cry 'God for Harry! England and Saint George!'"

23rd January 2014
17/100 - Work break to keep the stress at bay. "I love Benidorm, me."

24th January 2014
18/100 - Chanel treats.

25th January 2014
19/100 - Time to be a Young Programmer...

26th January 2014
20/100 - "Eat the fish, bitch!" August: Osage County was so good!

So, here's to another 80 happy days...

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