
Thursday 16 January 2014

#100happydays : DAYS 1-10

My New Year's Resolutions are always highly ambitious and I'm pretty much guaranteed to break them a fortnight in. I've never been able to keep a diary, don't have the time to start learning a new language now and find it impossible to go to bed before midnight. They've always been doomed to fail from the beginning, so this year I was desperately in search of something more attainable, that I'd enjoy doing, and that I wouldn't beat myself up about if I wobbled temporarily off track.

Luckily, last Monday one of my lovely friends from the Queens posted a link on Facebook to this website and challenged others to give it a go too.

It turned out to be exactly what I was after. #100happydays does exactly what it says on the tin: a simple challenge to find something that makes you happy every day for 100 days. With such hectic schedules it can be difficult to actually find the time to properly enjoy life, so this challenge almost forces you to appreciate the small things and make sure that you smile at least once a day.

When its raining and I'm trapped inside with an ever growing mountain of work this is proving to be a constant reminder to take a moment and remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and life really isn't so bad. If it gets me through endless essays, research and applications feeling positive and content, then surely it won't be 100 wasted days.

The premise is super easy. Find that one thing that makes you happy, snap a photograph and upload it to your platform of choice with the hashtag #100happydays. As an Instagram addict I upload mine there first, and then share it elsewhere.

I've managed 10 days so far, and have found that even at my most stressed there's always a little something that will make me grin like a Cheshire cat - a concept I would never have believed before.

7th January 2014
1/100 - Off on an adventure!

8th January 2014
2/100 - "It always seems impossible until it's done"

9th January 2014
3/100 - Dissertation progress.

10th January 2014
4/100 - Clean sheets and an early night.

11th January 2014
5/100 - Brunch with the loveliest of people.

12th January 2014
6/100 - Rewatching episodes 1&2 before the finale… #Sherlocklives

13th January 2014
7/100 - Week 1, -8lbs.

14th January 2014
8/100 - Productive.

15th January 2014
9/100 - Nothing beats being a culture vulture for an afternoon to beat back to uni blues.

16th January 2014
10/100 - Horrible, horrible day cured by this cheeky gift from my best friend. Favourite show & favourite episode. Guaranteed happiness!

So, if you fancy giving it a go (and I'd wholeheartedly recommend) then start snapping and remember to tag your pictures with #100happydays. Let me know below or drop me a tweet - I'd love to know how others are finding it!

It really is true, sometimes you do just have to stop and smell the roses.

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