
Sunday 6 October 2013

Summer Musings

I've had the best summer.

It's one I don't plan on forgetting in a hurry, and I want to be able to reread this post in times of dissertation woe and remember the ups and downs, the laughter and the tears. It's the equivalent of one of those Facebook statuses, you know: the ones that make you want to defriend people faster than you can say "hashtag". If you're now realising that clicking on this link was a mistake, then have a dupstep cat for your troubles and enjoy the rest of your day.

I've learnt volumes and met impossibly interesting people from all corners of the globe. I've laughed, I've cried and I've sung the alphabet in my head in an effort to remember what comes after 'j' more times I'd care to mention. I've rekindled a deep adoration for the theatre and started a life-long love affair with London. I've become one of those people that runs up and down escalators and knows the exact spot to wait for the tube to be positioned by the doors. I've fed my coffee addiction and discovered the magic of a good burrito. And let's not forget: I'm now frighteningly obsessed with Breaking Bad.

One thing that hasn't changed is my love for lists. Anyone that knows me is aware of my almost obsessively organised nature, and it's no secret that lists form the basis for my success. Without them I'd be lost. I've spent the weekend preparing to go back to university, and now my noticeboard is jam-packed with lists of everything from timetables, to Fashion Society ideas, to the release dates of films I simply can't miss. There's nothing better than a good list, hence why this blog post is going to take on my favourite format (and it'll hopefully stop me rambling).

So, without further ado, here are my "Top 10 Things I Learnt This Summer".

1. There's a specific confused look that's easily identifiable and transcends gender, ethnicity and nationality. Sharing a common language isn't even required, and at times it can be spotted before basic sign-language is implemented. It roughly translates to "where's the nearest toilet?"

2. Earl Grey is no substitute for PG Tips. It's like drinking perfume.

3. Everyone fancies Tam Mutu. If you don't then you're either a) lying to yourself or b) need to take another look. His face was carved by the gentle caress of angels.

4. There are toilets everywhere. Everywhere. ON EVERY LEVEL. Stop panicking, follow the signs and go to your seat.

5. Missing the last tube home and getting stranded at King's Cross isn't fun. Even if in the process of desperately trying to find a bus stop looking up at St Pancras station makes you feel a little like Harry Potter on the 1st September, it's still a nightmare. GET THE (K)NIGHT BUS (and really feel like Harry Potter).

6. Time isn't measured in minutes and hours but in episodes of Breaking Bad and how many you can fit in before running for the tube so you're not late for work. It isn't a television show, it's a way of life. If it takes more than 5 minutes to weave it into a conversation then the whole shift/meeting/day can (and should) be written off as a failure.

7. It doesn't matter how comfy the seats are or how cheap the popcorn is, nothing beats watching a film under the stars. It's beautiful and inspiring and everything it's cracked up to be.

8. Brunch is the most important meal of the day.

9. You can't put a value on a five star smile, and they're devilishly hard to fake when you work with the loveliest people in the world.

10. Theatre is the most beautiful, magical and spine-tingling art-form. Spending 11 weeks working at the Queen's was the most incredible experience, and to be a part - no matter how small - of an industry that brings such joy to so many really is special.

People ask me now if I'm sick of Les Miserables, but to be honest it's still my favourite musical of all time. Now, however, my memories of it aren't restricted to hurriedly duct-taping broken candle sticks and cursing Marius's inability to remember to take his books on stage. It's of butter tigers, panicked forward rolls to avoid run-away carts and inpromptu singalongs to 'Master of the House'. It's of endless tea dances in the stalls, melting in the upper circle and giggling uncontrollably the dress. It's of whispering temperatures into the radios, casually strolling past the barricade on the way inside and of rushing out of the stage door before the theatre shuts for the night. If anything, this summer has made me love it more.

Never forget you're a part of something magical and something undeniably special. This summer has been a journey of self-discovery, joy and exploring London. In the words of Dr Suess: "Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." I'm more me than I've ever been and had more fun than I thought possible. I can't remember the last time I laughed so much that I had tears streaming down my face before this summer, but it's been my default setting since July. The last few months have been equal parts ordinary and extraordinary, and just what the doctor ordered. As third year approaches with a vengeance I can look back on this summer fondly and with nothing but warm, fuzzy memories.

Thanks for having me, Queen's, it's been a blast. See you all in the Blue Posts?

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